The Aylesbury Club

Good Humour Good Cheer and Good Neighbourhood

“Where Gentlemen meet socially, for a hearty meal” Copyright © The Aylesbury Club 2025 : Designed and Created by Ray Ghent with Serif WebPlus X8
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The Club was founded over 200 years ago (see History) by a group of Aylesbury businessmen who decided to meet regularly to enjoy the food and wine of the many hostelry’s that formed the social heart of the town.

Today, with fewer premises available to accommodate us, the Club has extended its area to cover a 7 mile radius of Aylesbury.

In Aylesbury, favourite eating places include The Broad Leys on the Wendover Road and the Temple Street Wine Bar. Further afield, The Red Lion at Bierton and the Seven Stars at Dinton are returned to regularly.

In addition to the bi-monthly meetings, (see Calendar) once a year the Club celebrates the historic Aylesbury Duck with the Annual Duck Dinner at which spouses and guests are invited.


Now on loan to the Bucks County Museum, in 2011 the Club members purchased a silver goblet awarded to John Weston Esq on Jan 21st 1857 for winning the best Aylesbury Duck category at the Preston & North Lancashire Poultry Show.

New members are always welcome and for further details please contact the Club Secretary using the  M’ship/Contact Us page.